Has anyone used Poly bushings for the rear shackles and if so where did you get them. Mustang bushings won't fit because they are 1-3/8" OD and the Mavericks are 1"OD...................any suggestions.
You might try to find a company that makes leaf springs in your area, and see if they can get them for you.
Have already done that with everyone saying they either can't find any or know one they know makes them
I'm pretty sure I have an extra pair that I'm not going to use. Let me check and I'll pm you in a few minutes.
luckily they cross over to an odd early cougar bushing. i ordered from mustangsunlimited, part no. 2005RG but i'm sure that wccc also carries them. a problem i ran into was that the sides are not as wide as the rubber bushings, so my shackles had some play to each side. i put in a washer on each side, fits now perfectly.
The early Mustangs used the same bushings as the early Falcon/Comet. Don't know what the Fairlane used.
Tody, off to you, I've been looking everywhere and talked to half the aftermarket chassis shops on the other side of the Rockies.................no one new, even Energy Suspension. You are a live saver...........Thanks! P.S. I did order them from Mustangs Unlimited and should have them by Friday.
Dave, my car is just an Ole race car so it doesn't need to look pretty just go fast and straight..................................besides at least on mine I think Red will look nice against all of the black.
I couldn't find any information on either the early Falcon or Comet, but the ones Tody suggest are the perfect OD............................Energy Suspension doesn't make any Poly bushings for the early Falcon or Comet..............or Maverick, but make tons for the early Mustangs............................Go figure!
If the early Falcon/Comet use the same bushings as the early Mustangs they are 1-3/8" OD.............and the Maverick is 1" OD. If you have a lathe you can freeze the Poly bushings and turn them down...but they need to be frozen..................I've got the freezer but not the lathe.
You got me thinking...I might had cut the O.D. on the Mustang bushings down on a lathe, but I didn't freeze them. I do know that I cut them down on a lathe to fit a 2" wide spring. The Mustang spring was 2-1/2" wide. Heck...we're talking about what happen in the mid 80's and I did what had to be done and didn't think much more about it until now.