Thanks for the laugh Junrai. Yeah I think I will just save up and fix this old beast. I canceled my insurance on the yard brick last month as I finally admitted it was going to be awhile till its road worthy. I would get a comet... but I like mavericks I will focus on making some money, saving up and working out via the bicycle riding ha When I have the money saved I should be in better shape to work on the yard brick anyway!
my mavericks not in any better shape then yours other then the leaks (sorry). but it is meant as a project so if it takes a while so be it. as just transportation it doesn't need to be a maverick. the comet idea was nice except there are not many around here. back then mercury wasn't popular here as we were so remote if it wasn't a truck or a horse it didn't sell here.
Like Dan said there aren't many comets around here. Nor mavericks for sale, saw one for 4k in Montana that use to be a Idaho car. The guy selling the 4 door maverick put up pictures. Here is the link The Montana 4k 2 door here is the link to that. If I had $4k I would buy the Montana 1970. Anyone want to loan me $4k?