Just found this great site, I do not own a Maverick right now but will in the near future. I bought a 1970 Maverick Grabber when it was ten months old from Ralph Williams Ford, in Encino Calif. (He was a notorious dealer, the state basically ran him out of town from what I hear) Mine had 22,000 miles on it when I bought it, it was grabber yellow with a black vinyl top and black stripes, black interior. The motor was a 250 six, automatic, a/c, power steering, dog dish hubcaps and beauty rings. I paid $2495 for it and drove it off the lot. I had it for about two years, my brother had just gotten his license and asked me if he could take the car to a dance at school. I said sure,be careful. About an hour later I get a call from the Los Angeles police, he had picked up some friends, and being a rainy night he took a corner too fast and fish tailed and lost control wiping out a Sunbeam sports car parked in the street. The insurance company fixed it but did not do a good job, the paint didn't match, and I never felt the same way about the car. I traded it in on a 1968 GTO (there's a change) the salesman said he could find a Grabber in the blue book for 1971 but no mention of a 1970. The only thing I didn't like was the way it rode, but I have been told that was fixed in the 71 models, staggering the shocks in the rear. Well enough writing, I still have been a Maverick fan for years, I currently have my eye on a 70 2 door, dead with flat tires all the way around i this persons yard, a good cleaning and buff, it should come right back, I'll write in if I do acquire it. Thanks guys, Paul
To get off topic, but have you ever known anyone to drive "the stone"? We were there about 6 or 7 years ago, just up there enjoying the view, and here comes a big honkin' 4WD full of what appeared to be drunks, off-roading up the backside of the stone. Could not believe this was "legal" as there were tourists with kids running all over the place. They made it to the top, took a "victory lap", and cruised back down. It was a shocker to say the least...