Does anyone have a small bumper, metal bumper filler/gravel pan off of their car? If possible I would like to get a tracing of one on kraft paper or something similar, and get it mailed to me, I am more than happy to pay for postage and time. just let me know how much. Thank You!
richmond..vancouver? i think it's the same for small bumpers and large..just that the fenders on the early cars are notched. do you not have the filler off the car?
The bumper stone guard on 71 and 72 Comet models is specific to those years and the filler from 73 and up cars will not work. I believe we are talking about Richmond Virginia USA my friend.
guess i wont be dropping it off then lol. didn't know they were different as i've only had a '72 mav and my 74 comet.
Yes Richmond VA USA, and even if I had what was left of my big bumper filler it was rusted away to about 1/2" was all that was left.
Rusty, yeah, one was just on ebay with a starting price of 100.00, probably not bad considering the rarity and the shape it appeared to be in, but with the economy and my current job situation I just couldn't even consider paying 100.00. But I want to try to complete this project this as soon as possible. it's been 7-8 years now.
I have mine off of my 72 Comet if a tracing of that would help and is what you are looking for? If so, shoot me a PM and I'll touch base with you later this afternoon.