I am thinking about ordering a front and rear gravel pan for my small bumper conversion from Unlimited Products. These are fiberglass reproductions and I was wondering if anyone out there has tried them and how well they fit? http://up22.com/amx68.htm
Thanks...Just looked their reviews up on line and they werent very good. I should have known that would have been too easy. Back to the drawing board.
I've used a few parts from various mfgrs through the years.. and they ain't so bad. I just assume that the cheaper the price.. the more fitment and finishing there is to do, is all. A lot of people hated MAS too.. but they were close enough to me that the price was always much better without all the shipping charges and all those parts held up just fine over the years. Although.. I did reinforce some key load areas before finishing the piece and installing them.. which often makes cheap parts.. better than the more expensive ones when it's all said and done. There's also this one and few others who make Maverick parts if you search hard enough. http://www.showcars-bodyparts.com/maverick.html
I asked Show Cars for a quote for a flat, pin-on hood (the cheapest available) for my Pro Stock project. Took them a week or so to respond. What I got back was hood ($329, another $100 for bolt-on), packing ($40) and shipping to a commercial address ($195) was a total of $564. I would be interested to know who makes a nice, stock pin-on hood for the money. These guys also list Maverick fiberglass. Don't know quality or anything about them. http://www.usbody.com/ SPark
Don't know too much about the fit of their stock hoods, but I have one of their hoods on my race car. Fit was good and it's pretty strong.