ok i'm taking out the power steering and putting in the autokrafters adapter(77 mav). I have removed the lines and the pump but and all i'm down to is the control valve thing i'm going to replace. I took off the castle nut but now how do i get the pitman arm of the stud? do i have to take off all the tie rods and junk so i can drop it down or is there somthing easy i'm missing here. I'm stuck, help!
I would reinstall another nut, don't ruin the castle nut. Get yourself a torch. Heat the area around the bolt. Pry on the nut or whack it with a hammer. I just rebuilt mine, it is not easy to get off, but with some heat it will come. NOTE: the heat will burn the seal, but I was changing mine anyway. Seth
n no i got the nut off but i cant get the control valve off the pitman arm. Do i have to take off the tie rods to move it or can i just hit it with a bfh.
I'm telling you, heat will make it easier. You can take the tie rods off, but it is not going anywhere with out the steering arm being separated from the control valve. Use the torch to heat it up, it should pry or pound off. Seth
oh ok i get what your saying now. So i can just heat it up and knock it out without having to remove anything else?
Yeah, but try prying on it as there is not much room to whack it with a bfh. The steering arm holds everything up and in place. Good luck- Seth
When you say "taking out the power steering and putting in the autokrafters adapter", what do you mean? Are you converting to non-power steering? Or are you just replacing some part? I would love to lose the power-steering from my car, get rid of all those extra hoses and that ugly pw pump...
yeppers yep i went and got one of those pullers and it worked ok till it got stuck sideways on there and the wrench wouldnt fit. Thats were the BFH helps(got it off like a charm since the puller had loosened it some). Scooper I was converting the power steering to manual by using an adapter that autokrafters sells. All you have to do is remove the control valve, pump, and that hydraulic arm thinger and replace it(control valve) with the adapter and BAM manual steering. No mas ugly leaky pump.BTW it steers great even with the ps gear box still in there. thanks for the help folks -jeff www.autokrafters.com part #RP27483 it says 67-75 but it fits 76-77 as well.
pump P.S. I think some mavs have an issue with the pulleys after removing the pump but on my 200 CI mav it isnt an issue since the pump's pulley doesnt drive anything, i dont know about the 302's and others.
On 302 cars, the PS pump and fan are driven by the same belt. Just have to find the right size belt to drive the fan by itself...
If I get this part and convert my Mav to Manual Steering, would anyone be interested in the entire power steering setup? Works great, only 55k original miles, and has a new control valve. I just want to free up some space under the hood and get rid of the whole setup. E-mail me at scottcodon@sbcglobal.net if interested.
not hard it's not difficult at all, especially once you get used to it. Really good at higher speeds. I've been driving my Civic with no power steering for years and its about the same, it only gets hard when your not moving and trying to turn the wheels.