Hey peeps, Just bought a 1970 Maverick...great body, very nice interior minus some dash cracks and a missing little round piece on the left side window roller upper, haha. Obviously I am not a car specialist but I really like this old Maverick. Kind of stumbled on it and have some decisions to make. It's a 6 cyl 200. Thinking about going 8 with new tranny, etc. Have a good mechanic friend who can do work for me very cheap. I'm hearing a lot of negatives from friends and family about owning this old car....so I'm hear looking for some back up! Should I sell the car as is and break even, or keep it in the family and restore it through the years? Don't need the money I put in it and could probably get away with putting another 3k in to it now. But you never know when you may need the cash....give me some ideas and seasoned advice.....
from a fellow 70 owner in Northeast Pennsylvania If your rear has a bolt on cover, it is one of the early 70 rears and you might want to upgrade to an 8 inch rear if you go with the V8
Welcome! I too am working on an early Maverick...if you swap over to a v8, give some thought to an 8.8" rear end...they are more plentiful, less expensive, and easily upgraded than the 8"/9" rear ends.
I would say if you think your bills are paid and you have a comfort zone enough to spend money youll NEVER get back go for it. these cars arent built for investments thats for sure. if youre looking for something fairly easy to work on that has parts that wont cost you a fortune these cars are for you. if you like the car who cares what anyone else thinks. when its all fixed up and ready to go theyll want to ride in it and you can just tell them NOPE you dont like my car remember. my nephew wants to drive my comet every time he sees it but he has never so much as turned a single bolt so NOT GOING TO HAPPEN EVER! my son on the other hand who has helped with everything he already has his own set of keys to my car. welcome and enjoy if you decide to fix it up.
Instead of asking us what you should do, you should be asking yourself "what do I want?". If the car doesn't mean anything to you then sure, sell it and use the money for something you really want/need. But if you think it would be gratifying to have a restored (or modified/customized) old car, then go for it and don't let anyone discourage you from achieving that goal.
If you are mechanically inclined and like to tinker,you will enjoy the car.You don"t really see many of them anymore and they can be made into neat looking cars when you fix them up.I say,have at it,welcome to the club and there are many people on here to help you with some good advice.
What is great about these cars is you can build them your way. You are not going to ruin a Barrett/Jackson candidate and you might even increase it's value along the way