I cut the O.D. down on my housing with a file and it still didn't fit. The housing will turn freely in the block but won't go the rest of the way in the block. I even removed the shaft from the distributor and got it to fit...so it’s not the housing that doesn't fit...it's either the shaft/gear or Hex drive.
Cardon is junk trusted me when i say this TRY A DIFFERENT ONE becoause iv had alot of problems out i went throught about 9 of them in about 2yr fyi the 170,200 and 250 all use the same dist.
After working on it for about an hour: I came to the same conclusion. I carried it back to the parts house, and they had already sent my core back to the warehouse. They ordered another one for me with the same part number, and I will see if it fits. If not, I will get my money back, and start looking for a used one. There is not one to be found in parts stores in this area. They all special order from Cardone. The small privately owned stores even do that. BTW, they do not list one for a 1974 at all.
74 was a point distributor Summit says it ready to ship tomorrow http://www.summitracing.com/parts/aaz-30-2690/overview/
After trying everything, I carried the darn thing back to the parts store. They reordered the same part number distributor. I got it today, and it slipped right in like it should. I installed it, and timed it correctly, now it cranks the first time a piston comes to the top.