Another two! just got up to an e-mail this morning of a guy that has two Mavericks for sale 48 miles from me, he wants $600.00 for both of them, guess I'll go and take a look at them and see whats there, I don't need much if anything from them it just depends on what they are and have on and in them, will try and remember to get pics this time
600 for prob buy them unseen...mav rear ends sell so quick here easy 200/each. cant wait to see piccsssss. hopefully there not completely rotted out.
What I know so far, the guy called while I was at work, one is a 1970 Grabber, no rust, no engine or tranny, hood missing, interior intact and in good condition, the other is a 1971 four door in pretty good condition, it runs, gotta go and have a look maybe this weekend.
Hope you're not getting the rain we are! Yes, we need it badly, but not a years supply in a week! If the cars you're going to look at are in our direction, better bring your umbrella!
If I could find any Maverick/Comets near me, I'm certain that they would wind up being lined up in my back yard
Oh yeah I'm getting the rain, non stop for over a week now and very heavy at times, my grass needs cutting and I can't do it for the water, but thats what causes it to grow lol, Ray, hows it going? I'll let you know what I do on them, I'm sure I will have what you need.
Ok just spoke to the guy and set up a time to go look tomorrow, should get there around noon with camera in hand.
Funny how you folks just north of me and the folks just south of me got so much rain this week. We have gotten very little and what we have gotten have bee misty or steady little rains. I was in St Augustine last weekend and drove acroos the state to Cedar Key and could not have asked for better weather, go figure! Jim
Yeah Jim, liquid sunshine I know at my house it rains here when it won't rain anywhere else, I think it has to do with being so close to the Gulf and being surrounded by bays (i'm within 2 miles to the south, about 7 miles to the north of the bays and about 5 miles to the southwest to the gulf) also with a major river only 17 miles to the east of me, perfect for fishing but not for good weather.
Just got back from the ride, that's about all it was too, rust rust rust, and a price change when I got there, price suddenly went from quoted $600.00 to $700.00, I guess I should have not worn a nice shirt not much to the cars, I would only give $200.00 max for both of them, his idea of rust free and great interior and my idea of the same are waaayyyy off....
It was a 70 Grabber, spoiler was busted up, no rims on one side, radiator support bent inward pretty bad, no bumpers or mounts, interior dash rusty and seats moldy, floor rusted out, wheelwells rusted out, B pillar had an egg sized rust hole right behind the door tag, windshield busted and frosted over so bad I couldn't even see the VIN, four lug but sitting on the ground on the right side.. ..on the four door, rust everywhere, had and engine but wouldn't run, floorboard gone on passenger side and standing water on the driver side, decent seats but moldy and wet, decent door panels but alot of rust on the body.
Too bad about the rust .... and waste of time. I contacted a guy the next Province over.....same story - no rust. Drove 6 hours, one way, with trailer in tow. Rust was so bad the seats had fallen through the floor to the ground ! Not one part on the car could be used. 12 hour round trip for nothing.
Yeah he also failed to mention until I got there, he rearended somebody with the Grabber and said he tried to straighten it out but could never keep tires on the front since that, one thing he did have that was pretty decent was a Studebaker Lark 1960 model I think, now it had potential!