The covers are by Fred Carillo, who has done covers for a LOT of Fords, incl several Mavericks. He had the white vinyl and I bought the Sprint blue material from SMS and had it shipped to him. I also shipped the old Camaro covers to him to use as a pattern. BTW, I think those are '88 Camaro seats. He may still have the patterns.
I didn't know that was possible! I'm picking up some 71 shoulder straps this weekend.... maybe I should look into this instead. Know a good source or recommend a specific part? pick your style, color and length. I have a pic of mine installed in my gallery. keep in mind that the retractor location is different in year models so just measure from where ever yours are mounted now or move them where you like. Just make sure you reinforce the area they are mounted or buy the kits they offer. You wouldn't want them to pull through the sheet metal when you need them.
They do got belts haha I might try to find ones where the retractor get's mounted up top where the original seat belt bolt is... I kinda like the look of that better. Woulda taken the ones from the Camaro, but the weren't black
Im kicking myself for not picking up the pair I saw about 5 years ago its almost time for the bench to go. Although Im know i bought seat rails from someone on here years ago not sure if they were for the 71 or 76
Haha Test fit the seats today. How'd you guys make them level and the right height? Just a hole through a metal block of something? Passenger seat looks alil low and the driver's side will need to be leveled out
I am embarrassed to tell you what I did but Im a carpenter by trade so mine are bolted to wood. Its been so long I cant remember what I used.
Heres how I did it. Dr side. Bolted finger tight front left rail to floor using existing factory hole.Slide seat all the way to rear to access front hole inside, by hump. Level front part of seat with wood to get measurement for needed spacer. Cut proper thickness of spacer from round teflon bar. Drill hole down thru centre, get long bolt to go thru seat rail(slide) teflon spacer and floor. Get a 2in washer, lock nut and front is done. Do approx the same way for the rear hold downs.Im no feather weight,I race the car,. spacers made with teflon can be painted any color. Mine are black and if you dont look for them ,they blend in with the carpet.No sqeeks either.TTFN Ron OH ya I used stock seat belts with no problems