its 1pm CT Kinda need fast answer but if not then i will just go the long way. I have a 70 mav with 302 and full headers. I got my starter off but can't seem to get it out. When i changed it before with mains was no problem. I've turned wheels both ways and treid all little tricks i could think off. I don't want to take the steering stuff off if i don't have to was pain last time i took it off. If anyone has any idea's or commets please let me know thank you for your help!
I havent had to pull my starter yet so I cant help you, but it seems to me if you take the 2 bolts out of the idler arm, it should drop down to give you lots of room. Those 2 bolts can be taken off in a minute.
Nasty job anyway you look at it. After lots of screaming and cursing, got the thing positioned just right and it fell on the floor. Loosened the headers but still a pain. Some of the mini-starters are as bad because the housings are a bit longer than original starter and causes great amounts of stress and choice language as well.
Well... update... I went to start over cause i started to get pretty hot headed and was hoping i missed a few things once i couldn't get my tie rod apart. I looked at idle arm and couldn't get on the bolts due to headers. I was stupid when i put headers on and put exhuast sealer cause someone told me i needed it and was out of town and couldn't ask the pro's (here ~). I played with it and turned starter every way i could think of. I went to turn the wheels the other way and try that again. I crushed teh starter lip thing on the side. I notic after i had wheels turning what i did and turned them all the way back to the right. I went down and tried to get it out and had to turn it 10000 different ways and it worked. I went to put new one back in and i guess it was smaller then the one i took off. I got this one for the car other one was just off some other ford someone gave me to get me home. I have another problem tho... I went to start the car up and its been about 3 or 4 weeks. i held key down for about 3-5 secs each time. 4th try it went over. stupid cold weather! soon as it started sounded like i had a cat in my car somewhere. I shut it off right away. I have my driveshaft off and a lot of my tranny came out probably 2 or 3 qts of not more I'm going to put that back in and see if the pump for tranny was trying to pump air. If that doesn't work anyone have any idea's what it may be? I didn't listen to see what it sounded like really cause it scared me in a way. If it does it again after i put tranny in and driveshaft then i will let it run for a sec to try and decribe the sound.
i ask Matt=Kilg0re about the antifreeze for his car he said he was going to drain the water out not sure what he put back in it
Doh i did take it out cause it had just water in it I'll fill it back up wiht water just for tonight and see and then drain it agian so it doesn't freeze on me till i get some antifreeze
The idler arm as Dennis said is the easiest way...really not hard at all...go back with a late model Mustang starter and its a breeze next time...not to mention it gets rid of that ugly starter solenoid on the fender apron.
I just got done putting water in and started it 2 times on 2nd i gave it little gas and it just got worse..... Car fires up on every start easy even the first which hasn't happen in cold weather in i don't know how long. any idea's? I haven't done nothing else to car sence the rear end went out and the car started fine other then the ZZZZZZZZZZZZZing from the starter after i parked it.
Yea...what Lonnie said...see if you can turn the pump by hand or if the is any play in the pump shaft
I haven't checked to see if i can turn by hand but it sounds like metal on metal pretty bad. I'll check in morning getting ready to head to bed. If anyone has any other idea's i will try them all in morning
I have a '70 with full headers and never touch the headers to remove the stock starter. I am going to a smaller unit someday but right now the large one slides out. ( not easy though) Scotty P
What's the starter lip thing? you said you bent it, if you mean the the block spacer, little tin plate maybe it's rubbing on the flexplate. just guessing, i've had it happen.
Almost sounds like the starter not disengaging from the engine?? Maybe a bad new starter or bad selenoid?? Also as mentioned above what was bent??