went a guys house today..has three mavericks with weeds overtaking them...two are 70 year models and the other im not sure..the third is a grabber though. I couldn't tell the year because the vin plate had been jacked....car had grabber spoiler, hood, mirrors..it was a small bumper car with the bumper guards on the front bumper. The grill was black with clear lenses on the blinkers. Front end was five lug, also a power steering car. I'm not interested in the car to put back on the road. I'm only interested in it for a parts car. I couldn't tell much on the condition of the body panels because of the weeds and briars but it looked fairly solid. My question is how much is too much to pay for it. I don't have much experience in pricing these cars. Thanks
yep call the local scrap yard and ask whats the price for car or auto bodies? and figure the car weighs 1000lbs without a motor or trans to be on the safe side. and offer him whatever that price may be. if the scrap yard says theyll pay $200 a ton offer him $200 because even if you get $50 out of the car when your done stripping it you got all of those parts for $150 if you have the cash and the parts on all three are in good shape and you have the room to store them all buy all three for $1000. a set of sport mirrors should easily bring $100 and bumpers $200 grabber hood EASILY $5-$600 so there youve almost got your money back for all three cars out of three parts from one car you could actually part out 2 completely and have enough money build one to a decent driver with the paint thats on it. (if for nothing else but to add even more profit from the deal by selling the car as a driver) all of this depends on one very important detail.....how much rust is there? do you think pulling the cars out will leave the floor boards behind in the weeds? if the cars are rusted out just try and pick up one of your choice for $2-$300
Remember that in our area rust from setting in the weeds is a major concern. It all depends on the amount of rust on the cars. Pay attention to the nose of the hoods they rust bad there. I think the three cars are worth between $600.00 and $750.00. It is hard to estimate their worth without looking at them. Ray
Do they look better than these that I went and looked at? http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=93297&page=2
.. they run a close race with those cars...I think they might not be rusted quite as bad..an I don't have a clue on the floors..i just cant tell until it gets pulled out of the jungle lol..im thinking my top dollar for the grabber is 350...id have plenty of room to get my money back out of it then
Yeah I got excited when I saw the Grabber I went to look at, then I got realistic and started seeing there were no sport mirrors, the spoiler was broken, no grill or side lights, and it had later model fenders and hood on it, I then realized the only parts I would want were the flat hood, gas cap, and maybe the fenders because I could notch them to fit an earlier Maverick, that led me to make an offer the owner was not too happy with, but my offer was what it was, honestly he will prolly sell them to the scrap yard, but I did offer more than they would pay him, he did mention he was about to be foreclosed on so I guess I need to talk to the bank about cleaning up the property, yeah kind of a sneaky way to do it I know.:16suspect
I'll agree with everyone else. If you go $200 a car, you can at least make your money back. Possibly even profit. It all depends on the rust. The rust will be the variable. If they were in good shape frame/body-wise, maybe even $100 more per car.