so i'm going to be putting a 351w in my car soon and i will need to get a different fly wheel. i really don't want to get my flywheel rebalanced, too expencive it's called very limited funds, so will a fly wheel of a early 70's truck with a 302 or a 351w work. because i can pick up one of them really easy and cheap there all over the place. what year did they change the balance on the fly wheels from 28 oz. and will the strait 6 fly wheel, that i have on my car right now work on my fathers 1966 f-100 he has a 240 in it. i probly should mention that i have a 250 in my car so i already have the 302 bell housing. any info would be great.
The 28oz balance was good to around 82. A 289/302/351w/c with the 28oz will work fine if your W is before 82. Are you looking for a flywheel or flexplate? If it is a flywheel, you need to make sure the clutch diameter is right. If your bell is for a 10.5" clutch, you need to get that flywheel. If you can use an 11" clutch inside your bell, then you need the larger flywheel. Unless you have mix-matched parts, I doubt you had an 11" clutch on your I6. There is a difference between truck and car bells also, the truck bells are about .250" deeper and will not seat the input shaft when used in a car. The auto trans flexplates are not nearly as tricky. Get a 28oz for any of the engines I listed, with your tranny, and you should be okay. Dave
Make sure you don't have a 10" clutch behind that I6. I don't even know that a V8 flywheel and clutch would fit in the bell if it was smaller than 10.5". Dave
The 250 flywheel will work for you new setup ... it is 0 balance ... you can have a machine shop make it 28oz imbalance .. If your 250 flywheel is in excellent conditon I can swap you an excellent conditon 302 flywheel for it ....
351W stayed with 28 ounce balance even after 5.0's switched. just get the right one for your bellhousing and you're set.