Last minute deal, I'll be driving back from Albany, GA sometime between Wednesday of this week and next Monday. If anyone is along Interstates 75, 24, 65 or 64 and might like to visit, I shall be taking my sweet time getting back to STL.
Bruce, I live off of I20 near Carrollton, but will travel to meet up with you. Let me know when and where! A meet up with Jeff and Frank would be fun.
Gents, excellent to hear from you. I fly tomorrow. I have tentative plans to be in Augusta on Sunday. Would love to pull some kind of last minute meet-up together, maybe lunch on Saturday or something? I'm pretty much wide open. Going to spend Wed-Fri with my folks in Albany and then start on my roadtrip (I think).
Big car show at Summit this Saturday. Wanna plan something around this? Maybe we could all pile up in two cars and go grab lunch or eat whatever the vendors have to offer.
Sounds like the perfect thing to plan around guys. I will do what I can to make that happen. Anyone need any car parts moved westward?