A guy called me yesterday and was helping his elderly neighbor sell his 75 Maverick. Its a one owner 38,000 mile car, BUT its been sitting in a garage since 1986. It ran when it was parked but hasnt been started all those years. It has some rust in the fenders and quarters. Its a no frills 250i6 car. He tells me someone started working on the car years ago and removed the bumpers, grille and the lower dash. He still has all the parts. I am going to check this car out next week and will post pics. Its not a good car to part out and its not a good project car imo. If I buy it, I will get it roadworthy again and just use it a beater around town. He didnt have a price in mind and I suggested 5-6 hundred, he said that was fair. Im going to try to get it for 4. This is the only pic I have so far.
I paid 3 fitty for my quad door. buy it! Dont want to think how many THOUSANDS Ive sunk in since! Just got back from a California Big Sur road trip.... Amesome!
Four doors are great! I'm currently looking for some two door parts cars to make my 4-door Comet prettier!