I'm looking to put some 73's on my 74 car and would like the tucked in look, but will it also need to be nudged like some of the tech articles for the 71 and 72 bumpers? Or are they just a direct bolt in?
They don't just bolt in since the 74 and up have absorbers on the mounts and 73 are rigid mounted to the frame via extensions. I had a 73, and personally, I like the bumper and I also think it looks great tucked.
If this is a confirmation that they are bolt on, then I guess I have a trip to the pull a part to make soon.
I never questioned it since I bought the shell out of a salvage yard to transfer all of my wrecked Comet stuff into. The battery box was in bad shape, I hit a bump and the battery, tray and remaining sheet metal fell through and wedged on the bumper support. It is very likely that it was someone's handiwork but I have no clue why anyone would do something like that. I have since sold the car, but it was my only experience with a 73. I guess you learn something new everyday