Father's Day at the Swan City Car show which is in Beaver Dam (a pretty good sized city 1/2 hour north of Madison). Saw a couple guys from the Maverick world there too. They had a nice turn out, somewhere around 450 cars according to the registration numbers. When the final best in show awards were given out, they had a best in show stock, best in show modified, and the main sponsor picked their favorite car of the show for a best in show sponsor choice. The Maverick received that Best In Show - Sponsor Choice. An absolutely wonderful testament to the Mavericks appeal ............
Congrats, your car looks amazing in that picture as usual. You seem to put some effort into your picture composition.
Congratulation to both you and your 70 If you take the Grabber parts off your car, it would be a twin to what mine originally looked like
Thanks everyone ........ I found a link on Wisconsin Collector Cars to some show pictures from yesterday. My car is even in them. Must have been taken while the show was ending and we were wiping down the cars from all the tree sap that fell all day long, as I see the trunk is closed and the windows are rolled up. One of the pictures is a Super Bee. Many 100 point cars in this show. One thing Wisconsin has is a lot of really nice show cars to look at, if you can ever make one of the bigger shows here. You guys with slow internet - be preparred - big file of pictures here: http://www.wiscollectorcar.com/forum/car-shows-2013/46408-20th-annual-car-show-beaver-dam-wi I also was able to see a fellow board member for the 1st time - 73mtymav (Matt) and see his car. The work is coming along nicely for him and it was fun to see another Maverick at a show.