New member here. Someone at work is selling this. It supposedly has 40k miles. I don't know anything else about it yet. It's in bad shape, but the asking price is only $800 OBO (probably will go for less). I like classic cars, always wanted a stingray. Think this has any potential whatsoever? Parts worth anything? It's in Michigan now, no idea what the history is. Anyone know more about it based on pictures?
Welcome to the board. From what it looks like there is some rot in the doors and that front fender is pretty shot. I am not sure what it worth till you tell us a little more. But my advise to is that anything has potential. It all depends on what you want, your imagination and how much you are will to spend time and money. It will never be a stingray but it still has the potential of being fun. When I saw the pictures at first I thought this was a car from around the corner from. Some one has abonded a poor Maverick since June and I have been stalking it since.
I swear I've seen pictures of that car before, just can't remember where.:confused: Anyway, if you could find out what shape the floors and torque boxes are in it could make a big difference on the asking price. Is it a 6 cylinder or a 302? When you say it's in bad shape, how bad is bad? Any Maverick has potential, as long as it's not a total basket case. It just depends on what you want to invest in it.
Like I said, I know absolutely nothing about it aside from the pictures. I asked for more info but haven't gotten it yet. I already drive a beater, so a fun beater would be nice. I do all the work on my motorcycles so I assume I can do the same for a 75 car. I heard you can tell if it's a v8 by the shape or something. I'll post more info when I get it.
I can't really afford to put more than 3k into it unless I can resell for profit. 3k to make a decent ride to keep would be fine though.
find out what the floors are like, and in the very front section of the floor, behind the pedals, is what is called a torque box. That is all the strength of the frame really, if it's rusted bad, I would pass on that car. If the floors and torque boxes are good, that could be a good buy, offer 500 and see what he says, but that's if and only iff the floors and such are good. Most of the body stuff you can find on here, and they're relatively easy to do. .002 Shaun
If that is 40,000 miles of wear inside then that was rough 40,000!!!!any car is only worth what the market will bear or someone is willing to pay.What part of USA are you?
I know, I thought the same thing. I asked about that. I'm in Michigan, near Detroit. How reliable can a car this old be?
Also, check the rear frame rails from the front of the spring mounts to the rear. This area is not worth messing with.
looks like its in good shape if the tork boxes are good. i'd say if you can get it for $500 go for it.maybe $800 if it has a v-8 in it.
These cars were and are very good reliable transportation. Anyone expecting to drive a 30 year old vehicle better be a pretty good wrench. I have always driven older stuff most of my life, they are not as reliable as a new car naturally, but hey, they have alot more character. Dan
Most likely the mileage is 140,000 instead of 40,000, I could be wrong but looks like it's had alot more wear than 40,000 miles.