Hi everyone, I just brought a 1976 Mercury Comet here in California. It appears that the previous owner, which is not answering me anymore, has removed the entire air system (air pump and all the hoses) as well as all the brackets. And as you might well know, this car require a SMOG test and it's been failing because of that. I basically have to rebuilt this from scratch. It seems very hard to find parts for this car...can anyone help me or direct me on where to find those? Thank you so much V
are you refering to the smog pump? if so call me 916-289-8450 Duane Ill look around when you call if I have it you can pay the shipping and its yours Im near sacramento CA and post an ad in the classified section youll have decent luck there also alot of other cars work with our cars just try to get the same motor and that should do it if the parts are there' do you have an inline 6 or 302?
I actually don't know exactly what I am missing, as the guy literally removed everything. My mechanic tried to understand how it was working but he's not a great specialist of this old engines... I brought the repair manual but there is not much regarding this part of the engine. I am trying to find pictures or spec so I can know what I need... I have an inline 6, 4.1 liter
Welcome from northern California! Also I have a 75 parts car with stock 250/4.1 with all the smog stuff on it so if you find out what you need just let me know and ill see if I can help
Hi, sorry for the delay, I was trying to find out what I needed exactly. So I would need the air pump and the bracket who goes with. Would you have that? Thank you Vincent
that car didnt have any problems passing inspection or testing because there was NONE. 75 is the cut off year. youll need a charcoal canister a smog pump plus some other stuff Im not sure what all if its not there your better off picking up a 75 or older body because you could spend a ton of money chasing down stupid little parts and the referee wont tell you what you need hell just print you out a diagram and say here do this. atleast thats what the smog referee did to me on an old truck I had that came from washington state. I ended up getting rid of the truck it was a nightmare and a half for the guy that got it for 3 more years. it would pass this year then next year it wouldnt because some stupid little thing was missing then he would add that and come back and some other little thing wasnt the right part and so on and so on