Im rebuilding my heater core box and I have a few questions.Which hose goes to where (on the engine) and how long should I buy the hose?When I bought the car the heater was already bypassed so I don't know where they connect tn the end of one hose it has something attached to it ,I don't know what it is.
The thingy on the end appears to be heat control valve. My control valve operates frm vaccum. Just guessing, I wud say the hoses are between 3-3.5ft long. I wud have to go and measure to say what mine are. I usually buy a little longer than I need, determine where/how I will route and measure and cut them on the car.
Thats a contradiction of terms. If it is factory air, than it has AC. The valve is used to stop flow of hot water to the heater core to make the evaporator more efficient in an AC box, when the air is blowing cold. What you have there was added on at some point and is not needed.
It has a aftermarket AC unit on the front dash but im missing the rest of the components for the A/C system. I have a non A/C box.So Its only needed when you have A/C?
Correct. Its to prevent you from running heat and A/C at the same time, unnecessary if you don't intend to keep the A/C.