took my car to track this weekend, ran great,shifted great 1st time down ,but when i was ready to run it hard it worked great 1st to 2nd,but when i went to shift into 3rd it flaired like there was no gear there,well when i was driving it home it was doing it also leaving it in drive,but when it got into drive everything was fine,no slip pulled hard,but when shifting it slips,i had a shift kit installed ,im lost any help
Sounds like it's valvebody related to me and I can't remember what circuit is where anymore.. at least until I get back into mine to freshen it and my memory up.. but you'll probably be best served to drop the valvebody and disassemble/clean it up. While you're in there.. check bores and valves for wear/scoring/sticking/burrs/etc. oops.. almost forgot to mention.. check the band adjustment and disassemble/check servo piston seals/bore as well.
will do im really bummed ,i want to race it in ia when we go ,it 1.62 60 ft so i know it was going to really run
I wouldn't sweat it too much since it did run well the first time out. If you did in fact fudge the valvebody mods with incorrect orriface sizing(which will cause that type of flare).. it wouldn't have run well the first time down the track like it did. Could be something simple like debri or a rolled/ripped servo seal.. and I myself would be hot on it if some racing was involved. And if it's fresher.. u may get by without replacing any gaskets at all if you're careful during disassembly.
Up date went out to move the maverick,transmission shifts perfect,maybe I need a cooler,any ideas guys.