Present and accounted for, here in Atlanta. Though the Comet is back at my dad's place in Oregon. Soon as I get a place with a garage I'll have it shipped out here.
I am still here, and driving the white bucket of bolts around; quite a lot. I did put a set of Grabber mirrors on it. Ray
Need some information. Any and every event you can tell me about, the more info the better. Other than Summit Racing, I already have that info. I am making something for us.
August 31 st ,Byron Ga. race track ,the 3rd annual show,-track cruize, and Richard Petty! you can drive the track at 35 MPH if you bring a show car! Dont forget the mustang clubs-shows, they love us too,------Happy fathers Day!
Got my website up and running. Any feedback would be appreciated. Going for content at moment and can make it look better later.
:16suspectDid you see the cheerleaders at the byron cruiz, from Macons Rutland high school? They were passing out fliers for an Oct. 2013 show and swap meet at the byron site-peach outlet. The Richard Petty show at byron is $10.00 admission in August. Yall came in late tonight.