Go to HAMB....there is a huge thread about it on there. Worth the read. http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=674441&highlight=spray+on+chrome
Great question. From the posted videos on youtube is looks real, however I'd like to see and read some testimonials on how it holds up on pieces of exterior chrome under normal weather conditions such as sun, rain, ice etc before I would be sold on the idea. Anyone here on the board had it done on bumpers, boomerangs or any other exterior piece for any vehicle you may own?
a shop here in town does it. I went by and talked to them and he explained the process to me. he had some motorcycle parts there he had done and they looked great. I couldn't tell them from chrome...
How bout you get me some info....like the place's phone# or email, so I can see if they will do some stuff for me???
I talked to the guys out in the UK that developed the process about 6 months ago and they told me that it should hold up for about 2 years on outside items and on inside items it should last about the same as painted items, (items in the direct sunlight not as well as items not in the direct sunlight.) There are alot of videos about it on the internet and thats how I got their number. When I was in St. Louis I talked to a guy that started using it mostly on plastics and he said that it looks great and that his customers were very pleased. You can buy the home garage kit for about $250.00 - $300.00 from the guys in the UK but they can not ship a couple of the chemicals (I can not remember what they are.) and you have to buy them here in the US.
This has been discussed on several sites I frequent. The basics: This is basically the silver material on the back of a mirror. It isn't very tough. It needs a clear coat to protect it. It's only as good as the base it's applied over. The "chrome" will last as well as the clear coat. Once there is the tiniest of holes in the clear coat, the "chrome" will rapidly fail. It's best used for things that never get touched or exposed to impacts, IE bezels, interior trim, pieces too fragile to live thru the actual chroming process. It has it's uses, bumpers isn't one of them unless you don't mind re-doing them every couple years. SPark
I saw an add in a 4wheeler magazine for a place that does chrome and gold powder coating. Their pics looked great, but when I looked up more info on the internet the pics didn't look that good. A little bit better than that chrome spray paint stuff at the parts stores but a far cry from chrome. Eastwood sells the stuff to do chrome powder coating by the way. I guess at this point, there really isn't and alternative to real chrome.
I tried the product from Alsa Corp called Killer Chrome. They make it look so easy in the demo. but no matter how I tried could not get it to look like the chrome in their demo. All I got was super bright silver but not chrome. Experimented with different techniques but could not stumble on any method that worked. Gave up and will use it as is. Not great but it will have to do. Ron
Sooo, I finally found a place that actually responded to my email requests for spray on chrome, they said send a pic or two and they would give me a quote. My bezels are primed and sanded and ready for them to just do their thing, right? Their price came in at .....wait for it................$320!!!!!!!! WHAT!!!! Guess they are going black, duh!!!
I had a set of dash bezels redone by CVVacumplater and they came out great. But cost was over $600 not including shipping. Depending on how many pieces are involves $320 is not so bad. I tried the Killer Chrome from Alsa Corp on some other bezels but could never get it to look like their demos. Came out silver but not chrome no matter how many times or methods I tried. Was very disappointed in the results. Not worth the cost. R
I guess its all in a person's priorities, but $320 is too frigen high for me. Especially for these bezels, I was thinking more in the range of $50 per side. I would do that, but not three times that. Guess I am just not as brainwashed to the price of stuff today as most everybody else is. Black rattle can paint.....$6