Need to confirm the parts below. The first picture labeled NS switch is the nuetral safety and backup light switch on my 74 column shift column correct? Second pic label not a clue, this connector is corroded and burned but have no idea what this is! Third, I found this HVAC bezel and was unsure of the defog on the left. I think it is a rear defog but it doesn't state RDEFOG as the newer bezels in my manuals do? Any ideas? Thanks.
third photo... is the cover needed if vehicle was equipped with rear window defogger. All heater controls had a provision for mounting a rear window defogger switch. If its for sale, please pm me as I am attempting to reproduce these for early and late models and need good patterns for the molds.
Was that the system tied to the ignition that wouldn't allow start unless belts were buckled? The system has never worked since I've owned it so it must be disabled.
If you cut the wires under the seat, it would pretty much disable it. I've had a few 74's and none of them ever worked.
I never found a good explanation for the red button device. Still not sure how it worked. Maybe allow start under the hood when belts not buckled!
Everything you wanted to know about 74 seatbelts but were afraid to ask...
interlock! rthomas, thanks for the info, helps tremendously. At the time that you spliced the wires under the hood was the interlock system at all functional? I've found that many of the connections in the module are burned but it is still necessary to have it plugged in for starting. I think it is the red wire with the lt blue stripe that completes the circuit. Also, I have the 74 wiring diagram but I don't see the module in the diagram. Do you have a diagram with this included? Finally, you haven't had any trouble since the by-pass?