There are currently 260+ photos from the 2013 MCG Gathering in Dubuque, Iowa here, with more to be added.
This may sound corny (no pun intended), but it really was similar to the movie in a way. I was a little aprehensive about what people's thoughts would be about it and did not know how much time to schedule there. I thought perhaps folks would look at the site and say " Yep, that's it. Now what?" As soon as we parked, the kids ran to the field, followed by the adults. Others quickly seated themselves in the small bleacher section. Soon after, a few other visitors came along and asked if they could join in. It was kind of like those pick-up games we remember as kids. When I first volunteered to host the Gathering, I had not even considered the Field of Dreams. It was Allan Sellers who brought it up in a conversation, just assuming we would go there. I have lived here my whole life and I had never visted the Field until a couple weeks prior to the event, to map out the route.
In the past, all of my vacations were designed to travel "somewhere else" until a few years ago, I went totally local and found a lot of places near home that I never went to before. I was very glad that I visited them.
Jack hosted a great show!! When we first arrived at the "Field of Dreams" Jack said I think I'll call the restaurant and let them know we will be early. After us kids(young and old) got out there having a great time I think we might have been a little late. My kids and I loved it and I saw a few Srs. out there reliving the glory days. Great cruise we attended, Farm toy museum and antique mall with a lot of automotive stuff. Beautiful show day park, Eagle Park, with spectacular views and sites. Thanks again Jack!
Looks like we are over 500 photos right now. Thanks to all who have contributed! Ward, Love the video too!!!!!!
Oh and watch the video of my son if you get a chance in case you ever wondered why they say adult supervision. Where were all the adults(or the one adult) when this was going on?