Sorting the garage shelves, I came across my unopened box of Sub-Frame connectors. Holding them up to the car it looks like the e-brake cable pivot is directly in the way. It looks like it would be in the way of any type of sub-frame fabrication without having a tube that's lower than the exhaust lines and protruding below the car. Have there been attempts at relocating the e-brake lines? It looks like Lokar has some universal systems but I'm unsure of how those lines would be routed. Possibly go with a 'you cut it to length' system and create your own path? Thoughts or suggestions? Thanks
You have the later system. Maybe if you went with the early system, it would clear. The early system has a lot less "linkage" and stuff associated with it. Emergency Brake Routing: See Post 11
Yes the later year cars (76-77) with the pedal E-brake have the pivot point right at the back of the frame rail extension meaning right in the space between the front extension and the rear rail where the SFC's go. I made up my own sub-frame connectors, but haven't yet solved the ebrake cable issue - so I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of response you get. I went with Explorer rear discs so I'm hoping to integrate the Explorer cable linkage with the later style foot pedal linkage some how to avoid the pivot point....
Thanks. How would one go about converting to an earlier system? Would I need to go to a junk yard and find a Mav to take the older system off of? Or would there be a type of 'kit' available that could change it out?
You would just need to get all the parts. You would also need the pivot point for the equalizer bar. You might also have to get rid of your parking brake pedal and convert to a handle. That is really about it. I would have a lot of the parts to do all this. Email me DIRECTLY (see below) if I can help.
Changing to the older style handle would mean changing the lower dash back to an early style tray and require moving the fuse panel from the later style dash wouldn't it? Or would it hang below the later style dash?
Which part of that would be correct? The changing of the lower dash to an early style or the part where it would hang below the later style dash? Thanks
Both. Where your fusebox is located now....that is where the parking brake handle would normally be located on an ealier car. So, you can either convert to an earlier style lower dash, or figure out a way to mount the parking brake handle below the fuse panel.
Great, thanks for the info! I'll ponder this for a little bit. It seems like the only good option and changing out the brake cables looks like a PitA. I'd fabricate a way to get the handle to install under the fuse box area.
Can't you just move the bracket under the floor pan to a better location? It would be a lot less work. Look how a Falcon or Mustang have their cables running
Hey, not bad! I like that idea. The pivot would have to move a couple inches to be out of the way and theres usually slack for adjusting the cables. Maybe place a bracket somewhere on the pan close to where it is now and move it over since the floor pan gets 'wavy' around that area. Would need to take some cable checks to see where the passenger side line would route to be clear of the bar.
Here is a drawing of a '68 Mustang cable setup...same as on my Falcon. The pivot hole is on the left side of the equalizer bar. The pivot on the crossmember is on the end of the square tubing. When the cables are hooked up...coming from center from the crossmember going to the rear brakes your cables will make more of a V shape.