Hello, My name is Brett Heckathorn, I am sixteen years old and is new to the maverick community. I just bought my first maverick about a month ago. it is a 1972 ford maverick with a 250 straight six in it. I plan on making some major and minor modifications. Such as new paint, grabber hood, spoiler, and possibly a tail light change but I don't know yet its my first car and I am going to have a lot of fun with it. I am open to any suggestions or ideas on tail light options. Thank You, Brett
I think I am going to try and find bobcat tail lights I think they look good! But I don't know if I will be able to find any....
Good pit free chrome Bobcat frames are real hard to find but if you plan on painting them black anyway, you can get frames that aren't the best, fill in the pits and paint them
Yes with the Caprice tails. Bobcats only need to have 1 extra hole drilled for each light because the inside lenses are only flat reflectors. If you want to modify them to have every lens light up, you need to cut clearance in the tail panel like I did with the Caprice lights
here's a '71 tail panel I did Bobcat lights in...I put another light bucket in for twin lights...the ones I have now have 3 lights on each side and sequential...