I want to confirm that the wiring coming from the fuse box through the firewall is "generally" 16 gauge (the yellow is heavier). I'm specifically asking about the turn signals and high/low beam wires. I didn't see it listed on the wiring diagram. Also, in case others are interested there appears to be a "theme" with wiring continuity through the firewall. I've found continuity interupted for both turn signals and the high beams through the firewall! I think I've seen others mention this is an issue.
I need some feedback so I'll be more specific. The high beam green/blk wire that passes through the firewall appears to be 16 ga but that seems a bit small for headlights?
I don't know the original wire size but when I did the headlight relays I was amazed at how small those wires are. The old wires were also corroded and probably a had more resistance than when new. The existing wires worked well to trigger relays for the headlights. Its a very worth-while upgrade.
I can see why it would be a good upgrade. I'm surprised the wiring didn't melt long ago. I may do this upgrade in the future but for the moment I just want to get everything working. I'll go with the 16ga replacement to bypass the break in continuity through the firewall.