I've always used power steering fluid, but once I rebuild mine this weekend, I'm switching to transmission fluid.
ONLY use type F tranny fluid....that is mine and many others recommendation, include the place that rebuilt all of my steering components.
I have used ps fluid with no negative effects in a ford pump but generally favor using the type F ATF. Ron
I went to oreillys and the guys told me to use mercon 3 ,that's what I used.I went ahead and replaced both pressure hoses and I ended up connecting them backwards so when I turned on the car the steering wheel was spinning from left to right.Im not sure if I damaged something when this happened. I ended up switching the hoses and I had power steering again. Do I need to drain the mercon 3 and put in Type F?
My whole system will be rebuilt hopefully this weekend and I will be using transmission fluid as usual. I'm sure it won't hurt using the power steering fluid, but even you said that your dipstick says to use transmission fluid. So why wouldn't you? I would listen to the people here on the forum before the people at O'reilly who pretty much only know how to look things up on the computer.
I didn't get a chance to get on the forum until today, if I would of seen this earlier I would of used Type F
I wish I knew about the type f years ago when I redid my power steering. I used ps fluid and it whines all the time. I would change it out but I think the damage is done.
Mine whines as well, and now I hear a little pop after my incident of hooking up the P/S lines incorrectly and having my steering wheel spinning from left to right.I think I will still go ahead and flush it out.
If there are no issues, I'd leave it, but this is coming form someone who ran type F in my Mercon recommended AOD & AODE for over 10 years each(firms up shifts, the GM guys often use it in their trans as well)... Basically it's all just hydraulic fluid, the friction modifier differences in the various Ford trans fluids really doesn't come into play in a P/S system...
We had the same problem happen today. Did you take off both hoses and switch them or did you just take off one end of each hose and flip-flop them? My buddy only took off one end and flip-flopped them, but the steering wheel is still wanting to spin back and forth extremely hard. I'm wondering if he should take both sides off and switch them?