First timer, Good morning all. so I picked up a 75 250 inline for the kid [first car] next day at school his friend explains to him how cool it would sound if he just cut the muffler off. recieved citation on way home from school. mid pipe,muffler,tailpipe=$292.00 +25.00 ticket.A week later after spilling gas while filling up noticed that it would be much easier to just open trunk cut filler tube and fuel up from there BRILLIANT!! $225.00 repair,then came stereo,amp,15in sub woofers,&6 speakers that his friends buddy could install cheap.A FUESABLE WHAT?.3 weeks rewireing every night after work .Then came easter sunday when the drunk took out five cars on our street including the ole classic. new door and front panel,center link,tie rod ends,struts,power steering cylinder and valve,control arms and sway bar end bushings.the drunk never looked back,cops never found him or anyway we put new tires&brakes on and she purs like a kitten,I love this ole ford. went out to run the dog thismorning and there she sits with 4 sliced tires,seems the kid has a new girlfriend and the old one is not to happy.good thing he kept his skateboard. have a great day
That's no good. Time to put a dog in the car at night to baby sit it. Like a German Shepard or maybe a pit bull. I would do anything to protect my car.But that's just me. I really feel sorry for you two. Time an money is not replaceable.
the kid left to north dacoda on monday to work oil fields, gives me 9 weeks to get things dialed in. the wife wants to do the 302 upgrade and suprise 9 weeks enough time?
he left to north dakota to work oil fields gives me 9 weeks to get things dialed in. the wife wants to go 302 crate & suprise him. can he earn enough in 9 weeks?
Have to agree with some of the previous posters.. a lovingly fixed up classic car doesn't sound like the right fit for a kid who hasn't learned to respect his vehicles yet, (though you're probably saving a BUNDLE on car insurance), and giving him a bigger engine seems like asking for trouble. But hey, you know your son and if you can hand it back to him with no regrets after working on the car for the nine weeks, more power to ya! As Charlie Crews says in "Life" (trying to keep a zen state of detachment): "I am not attached to this car.. I am not attached to this car.. Okay, I'm a little attached to this car." And welcome from another new poster!