Can someone tell me if there is a difference between a early 70's grabber grill and the later 70's Grill.
The plastic grille itself is almost identical. The lights are different, but interchange. My car in my sig below has a '76 grille with '74 lights. The later grilles have a vertical plastic piece in the center, but it's just snapped on.
Okay thank you. I just bought a grill of a 75 and I think I am just going to paint it black and put a little maverick badge on it for my 1972 grabber clone.
the price of those are...what it cheap good ones. you can find them needing a lot of repair for cheap.
Here's somewhere to start: 70 Mav Grill: View attachment $(KGrHqF,!mEFIrILJlhCBSPOSlzH5g~~60_57.JPG?rt=nc 76-77 Mav Grill backside Backside of Sportlamp mount: a few different styles: Another one: Late Model Mav w/ plastic divider insert: For interest sake: (The Comet GT Grills are about .1" thinner on the front edge of the top, center, and bottom strips, to accept the metal trim)