I'd like to buy all US made products, but I probably couldn't afford it. I've gotta stretch my dollar. The problem is waaaaay beyond the consumer level.
My oldest, Daughter works at Dollar Tree, and I'm amazed at the amount of " Made in USA" stuff they actually have..for cheap!
Most of the parts I buy for my cars are USA, because the junkyards I buy them out of are American owned... the only time I buy anything new is if I can't find a good used one in the junkyard. Even the spark plugs, brake pads and rotors on my car came from the local pull-a-part. You'd be surprised how often people put brand new parts on a car and then junk it.
I in no way want to start a flaming war, but there is a BIG difference between North and South Korea. That is why there was a Korean war. North Korea wants to bomb us, South Korea makes KIA cars.
This basic discussion about new cars (at the time) came up on the radio locally in the mid-90s. The DJs were shocked when I told them that there were no longer any strictly "American" cars, due to alliances in the auto industry. If you bought a Ford, in a distant way Mazda had a hand in it. If you bought a Chrysler product, Mitsubishi was in there somewhere, and if you bought GM there was a little bit of Suzuki in there. This is because of the companies owning stock in each other and co-operative efforts in design and manufacturing. At the time of the conversation, that had been going on for a long time and continues to the present day. The auto industry has needed this to help expand to world markets. It is not practical to just build here and ship there. That is why Toyotas are being made here in the states. When you think about it ... our cars represent the end of the era where that WASN'T the case. Almost everything on our cars was at least made somewhere here without crossing an ocean. As far as our current situation goes .... until you can find some Americans that are willing to live on the level of poverty that they face in China, etc., expect to pay more... a lot more. We have a great standard of living and they don't. Unions and gov't regs really don't have a fraction as much to do with it than that simple fact. What causes this is capitalism and the bottom line.... water seeks its own level. Companies need to make a profit to keep stockholders happy, and a lot of what is out there currently is due to that simple logic. Until there are incentives for manufacturing to stay home-bound (i.e. tariffs on imports), this is the way things are going to stay. Bringing "entitlements" into the conversation is a total stretch and the result of listening to too much Rush Limbaugh. My Social Security and Medicare funds have been paid into for my entire working life. I expect them to be there when I need them. SS is funded for the next 40+ years. Anybody telling you otherwise is merely trying to open all that money up to Wall Street.
Rev Ron, I'm with you. Right on! I refuse to put china on my cars/ body. It's not a quality issue. We get that. Yeah it takes some searching. Half this board isall proud of their Champion radiators....from communist red china. Yeah... my cell phone is made in china... I HAVE NO CHOICE, if I want a mobile phone. I suggest that you look for old used stuff; ebay, craigslist, junkyards. China is a hard line communist country with a capitalistic arm. The profits from chinas businesses help fund their military, whom one day we will confront.
I think of Canada simple as the north part of North America - I don't even think of it as having a border there - drive across it and nothing that you see changes I can't wait to put my St Thomas Canadian maple leaf sticker on my car once it is finished Buy North American :bananaman