After busting butt to find a NOS tinted rear window for the Mav it showed up today ,thanks to UPS, in the bottom of the box in a gazillion pieces. Needless to say I'm P....d!
I wish you luck. I filed a claim with UPS once and it was a nightmare. They never paid but the seller was good enough to refund me.
Insured but I didn't need this grief now! I just wonder what the driver thought when he took it off the truck? Did he ask himself...this doesn't sound right?
Sorry to hear about your back window glass - I would never have glass shipped for fear of this happening I bought my rear glass, side windows and quarter windows, all tinted, from a member in Maryland and a forum member from Virginia was nice enough to pick up the glass for me on his way to All Ford Carlisle - a third member from York Pa was also kind enough to bring them home with him from Carlisle and a month later I got a chance to travel to York and pick up the glass all safe and sound - I wish you could have had it relayed like I did
Maybe you should have sent the seller the box you sent me for the glass. That box was perfect for shipping glass.
A friend of mine had a Jaguar E type windshield shipped from California, it came in a crate, and was strapped in there pretty tight....I guess it's all how it's packaged.
Sorry to hear that you had such a problem, just finding an NOS glass was a miracle. I have shipped a complete tinted window set, windshield,back glass,door windows,quarter windows to Penn. from Oregon in one box and made it okay. I was super careful packing it and everything wrapped individually but I was really happy to hear it made it all in one piece.
That only works if you haven't opened the package, and they haven't taken it off the truck yet. Once it is off the truck and in your property you can't refuse delivery anymore. You can make a claim with them over damaging the freight. Refusing delivery doesn't really get you anywhere anyway, just screws over the driver.
Not entirely true. I had a server delivered and it it had a big tare/dent in the box. We opened it with the driver and it had a dent in the server. I refused it. It got sent back and I got a replacement server a couple weeks later.
Reviving an old thread - Sorry Anyone have a line on a new tinted rear glass for a two door? I just had a junk yard find installed and it was attacked by the ice scraper. I didn't realize how bad it was until I saw it installed. I know of one place who has them but they want $650 plus getting it here. Thanks.