I have a 600 cfm holley carb and i can get the front two valves to open but i dont have the linkage and i don't know where to get the linkage or where to get it. It is a manual carburetor and i have nothing for it. I purchased a edelbrock performer intake manifold and the holley 1850 carb from summit but i dont know quite how to hook everything up
brand spanking new with vacuum secondaries manual choke. does the vehicle have to be on in order for the secondaries to open?
You will never be able to see the secondaries open short of watching it on a dyno. They operate off vacuum and not until it really starts pulling hard.
The secondaries will only open when there is sufficient flow thru the engine to warrant it. It is vacuum controlled. It should NEVER open with you reving the engine and you should not do anything to make it mechanically open. You will feel it when you drive it. They also will not open if the choke is on. Be sure you hook up your choke or lock it open if you live where you won't need it. SPark
With the stiff spring the 1850 comes with, the secondaries will only open after a long hard pull in gear. You can put a secondary spring assortment and by installling the lightest spring in the kit, the secondaries will open a second or so after you nail the gas pedal. You will then be able to "feel" them opening. The spring the 600 comes with sucks, litterally and should be replaced in my opinion with either of the lightest springs in the kit. The spring fits inside the secondary vacuum pod on the passenger side of the carb. Remove the three screws holding the pod to the throttle body, remove the tiny C clip on the end linkage rod, then remove the pod. Unscrew the 4 top screws in the cover and lift the cover off the lower portion of the pod. Swap the spring and reassemble the pod, making sure to get the vacuum diaphram back under the cover as it should be. Then reinstall the pod on the throttle body.
Second what baddad said, get a spring kit from Summit and put in a lighter one. There will be no mistaking when they open. It is almost like a turbo charged car spinning up. The diaphram and spring are located under the cover that says Performance Carburetors.
It looks like this is a newer model carb that you can get the cover off without taking the pod off the carb. If it is, then take off the cover, replace the spring, and replace the cover, being sure to get the diaphragm under the cover. Good luck. Lee "THE MAV" Richart