He swears that is what he did, but I will ask him to check again. I too think the hoses some how got crossed.:Handshake My steering wheel shook back and forth so violently and it yanked the drop down bracket for the p/s right off the frame.
So, yesterday when my buddy was switching the hoses he some how put the same hose back in the same spot. Switched it again today, welded the drop down bracket back on and we are good to go.
Crossing the ram hoses when hooking them back up is not only dangerous as well as allowing the wheels to flip back and forth rapidly could cause damage to the power ram as well as steering end stops and even the control valve if allowed to go very long. You mentioned welding the drop down bracket back on. You might want to read the info on Stangerssite's website on the dangers of the drop down bracket. Watch their video and it will open your eyes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?hl=en-GB&v=UJtshfIO614&gl=GB The stock ram bracket is ok in it's design but the drop down bracket needs some re-enforcing to make it stronger and more dependable. And it can be improved to make it stronger. Ron
I watched the video, that's exactly why you weld them on...I had one years ago pull the nut serts out of the frame rail, we welded it, and it's still on there 25 years later.
Good! Then they won't fail as in the video. I didn't weld mine but stiffened it up by extending the mounting surfaces and adding extra bolts and extra through the frame separators so the frame doesn't crush. When you said you welded them I took that to mean they have already broken or failed. Makes sense that they could move and fail since there is a lot of force placed on the 'extended' bracket. Takes seeing the video to realize the hazard. Ron