Well if I haven't annoyed you with my incesant cooling problems I have another question. I don't have a fan shroud and it seems that they are expensive and hard to find. I was just wondering if there was a cheap easy to bolt on electric fan that would cool well on a stock 200 C.I. I have a/c and this radiator: http://www.partsamerica.com/PartDetails.asp?SourceArea=&SourcePage=SEARCHRESULTS&MfrCode=GNO&MfrPartNumber=433423&PartType=31&PTSet=A
Didn't check your link but I have been using Taurus fans from the wrecking yard now for several years with good luck. the older ones with 2 wires are 1-speed (high) and if using original alternator may pull too much juice to wire direct, the later 3 wire ones are two speed and I wired my son's so low is key on and high is thermostat controlled.never paid more than $12.00 for either. another twenty for thermostatic wiring kit from Jegs or Summit.
I got my 2 speed (3 wire) version off a early 90's model Taurus.. I did trim the shroud a little to fit nice and tight to the radiator. They do pull some juice. If you have lots of electrical demand - be careful. Low speed I have hooked to a switch under the dash so I can run in staging lane. High speed is on a thermal switch like 77 Mav said. It takes a 30 amp relay for the low speed and at least a 50 amp relay for the high speed (or two 30's wired in parallel) Cleaver
IMO opinion the best solution would be an affordable MR. Gasket electric fan. Works great on my car. The tauras fan is a good unit but bulky. Being as the Inline six is close to the rad I would get a slimmer fan.
HEY JANIK I had a factory original fan shroud on ebay for starting bid of 20.00 $ and got no bids , go figure. it is a very nice shroud and nothing wrong i just dont have a inline six anymore and needed to make room on the shelf for more parts. if you still need one email me @ camoredncek@aol.com and will work somthing out on it . let me know . thanks JEFF