Looks like me and "My Comet GT" have had the same ideas. Just got mine partially up this weekend. I still need to put the back wall up and the garage door in the front. I was really surprised how much room there was after pulling the mav in. I think it should make a pretty good shop for me especially for what I will have in it ($).
Wish I was going to have some metal left over. After I get it enclosed I'm going to add lean-to's to each side to put the boat and camper in. Need to see if I can get another deal on the metal that I will need.Its a good feeling having a place to work on my car.:bananaman I can finally start working on the mav and doing some of the things I've been planning for the last 5 months.
One of the greatest moves in my life was from a gravel driveway to a concrete garage. When I first built it 11 years ago, I used to sit in the middle of it and marvel at the size and the realization that I finally had somewhere decent to work on my cars. Now I sit and wonder where all the space went. I need another one. Congrats!!
I'm jealous... I moved my Mach 1 into the driveway today and angled the Mav across the garage so I could open both doors and still have some room to work. Looks Great! And it'll be really nice with the lean-to's on the side for extra storage (or a good spot for a sand-blast cabinet....)
Thanks for the compliments! Can't wait to get it completly enclosed and get my tools in it. The only problem I'm still having is trying to get my wife to understand that it WILL NOT be a storage building. Think I might have fixed that with the storage shed I bought yesterday for her though.:bananaman
Great looking building Tom. Congratulations! What are the dimensions. My Dad is tring to decide what size he should build.
Chris, The dimensions on the frame are 20X21. I bought the frame without the sheetmetal because I could get the metal cheaper than it would cost me to buy the whole carport (with just the roof). The frame cost me 496.00 and the metal was 498.00. I bought enough metal to enclose the frame completely. If you were to buy just the carport with the 7ft legs the cost would have been around 800.00 to 850.00. I also priced a completed 20x21 shop from the same company I bought the frame from and it was around 4000.00. With conrete, frame, metal, garage door and lean-to's off the side I should have around 2500.00 invested. The frame was pretty easy to put together, (took me, by myself about an hour to assemble it) the sheet metal was a different story. Had a couple of buddies to help with that (took about 4 hours so far). Got any questions about where I got the frame and sheet metal let me know (all came out of Temple, TX). Not too far from you. Tomm