Well, if it was'nt you, and mine was still at home in the garage then that means there is a third Canary yellow Mav. running local. I guess we can start our own yellow Mav. show like the Mustangs have. Are you gonna have the Mav. ready this year for that show at the shopping center (I forgot the name of the plaza) on the East side?
The all Ford show at Waterford Lakes ? I haven't heard when it is so I'm not sure. That's just down the road so I could drive it there. It may not be completely done but I could take it down there. The exhaust shouldn't take long once I get all the parts. Just a few cuts with the chop saw and a few welds. I can drive it the way it is now...but I'll get her dialed in once the exhaust is done. If you know the dates of that show, let me know. If the Mav's not ready to go I can always head up there with the Mach 1....
Nevermind...I found the website. It better be ready by the end of February....Should have everything finished up by then..... If this is the show you were talking about. http://www.midfloridamustangclub.com/shows/roundup05.htm
Yeah, Waterford Lakes. I could'nt remember the name. I hate gettin old. If my memory serves me right I believe it was Feb. or Mar. They handed out registrations at the Silver Springs Show last year. Thats how I found out about it. If I can remember I'll e-mail ya when I find out. Ken Are you going to the Silver Springs Show?
Not sure about Silver Springs. I may be able to make it. That's Jan 8-9 I believe. The one at Waterford is Feb 26th. I'll try for the Silver Springs, my parents live about 30 minutes from Ocala so as long as I have the carb tuned I'll prob make that show. Hopefully by Feb I'll have the rest of the floor done....
As time gets closer let me know if your going. I'm gonna see if Jason Miller and some others want to get a (Power Tour) convoy of Mavs/Fords to cruise the Turnpike to the show. Weekend Jan. 8-9
Sounds Good to me. I'll have to check the rules on that show. If the Mav isn't in shape I'll take my Mach 1...I actually went on the Hot Rod Power Tour this year....awesome time! Did you know they are coming to Kissimmee this year? I'm going the long haul again. If you do it once you're hooked!
The rules are: There are no rules. Come as you are. The only thing is they park the Mustangs/Cougars/Mavericks etc. in there own areas. It's kinda like the misfit corner for Mavs. If you decide to take the Mach we could probably park you close so you could hang with us. Power Tour would be awesome. I would like to do it one day. I heard it's coming to Kissimmee and thought I would try to sneek in somewhere along the way. SHHHH
I'll print out the form and register the Mach 1. It doesn't look like the Mav will be up for the run. I'll plan on taking the Mach and shoot for having the Mav done for the Waterford Lakes show. It's been great weather for working on the Mav. Mufflers have shipped from Summit so they should be here by the end of the week. But I have a wedding and a christmas party to go to out of town this weekend...then Christmas....so It looks like t may be after Christmas until the exhaust is buttoned up....I need more hours in a day!
PART-TIME the Power Tour is a blast!!!! I'll be going again this year. If you get a chance to meet up with it anywhere I would definately recommend it!
Purple Hornies (sometimes ) I am not sure what they sound like....cannot here much in the car cause of the loud exhaust:bananaman I would be in for a YMOG.....Yellow Maverick Owners Group
Hey 289 Mav....thinking of selling those flowmasters? I'm actually in orlando right now on vacation and I'm looking for a set of loud flowmasters!