Have found a water leak from the coolant system. It is dripping at the back of the block and front of the transmission. Oil and trans fluid have no water in them. I have to assume it's running from somewhere else but I can't see where it's coming from. Does anyone have any suggestions? It's more specifically running and dripping from the oil pan where it goes around the transmission. Any help would be great.
There is a soft plug ( freeze plug ) in the back of the block. If this leaks you will have to remove the transmission to replace it! If the coolant is coming out a small weephole in the bellhousing, that is the soft plug that is leaking. There is also one in the back of the head. You can see this one with a mirror, and it can be replaced with the transmission in place. It's a booger to get to, but with patience you can do it!
Can I see any of these by dropping the oil pan? Is the plug in the head in the center of the back? I've never had to deal with plugs before. Can you drop the transmission without pulling the motor? I've been looking and it looks like a pain with the motor in place.
Not leaking from the intake manifold? That would have been the first place I would have looked. Cracked intake gasket.
Sooper: The 250 has NO intake gasket...the head and intake are all one piece. I know you are thinking about the V8. Here are some pictures of my 200 and the frost-plug locations. The 250 is the same. If it's a frost plug, you should be able to get to them. If it's the head gasket, then that's another story, but still very easy to accomplish.
one of the dime size plugs in the head is how I got Patches. one of them was leaking and the water was dripping into one of the block plugs. they changed the block plug and it still leaked so they assumed the block was cracked...$50 and the car was mine...
Thanks for all the info. I left for a few hours and my dad continued working on the car.. Thought we were on the same page..apparently not. He had the motor almost ready to pull. I guess I'll be able to get it all figured out as soon as I get a cherry picker.