Well the maverick made the 625 mi trip to Tennessee with only a few minor repairs on the way, the main thing was the alternator fell apart driving down I75 not joking.
Just curious, someone may have something really cool. I have always wanted side window louvers, and a consolette.
Well, guys just wanted to let everyone know that we won't be able to make the trip. My husband was working on a friend's mustang and almost sliced his finger off. Had to have 4 stitches, 2 shots of lanicane, one tetines shot, and antibiotics. With that bill it took all my driving money and if we was to have trouble... my mechanic. I am really sorry that we wont be making it. Please take lots of pics and maybe I can make it to the next one. I'll make sure not to plan it so nothing bad will happen. lol Just wanted to let everyone know as soon as possible. It's 2:29am right now.
Sorry you can't make it I was looking forward to seeing your Bear Cat also sorry for your husbands accident. I plan on being behind the factory outlet mall around 9:00 AM. Saturday morning. I hope others show up>
We'll be there around 9:00 am also:bananaman Sorry you cant make it eather, My son and where also looking foward to seeing a the bear cat. have never seen one in the north.
Today (9-13-13) We will be leaving from Towsend Tn at around 3:00pm to go drive "the dragon" anyone wanting to go with us we will meat at the marathon station at the corner of main and wears vally road or give me a call at (269)207-0801 Rich
We will be cruising around all day. Might stop by just to say hi this afternoon. Will definately be there in yhe morning!!!
Thank you, Ronald. We were so looking forward to this. Not just because of showing off my car, but I was also suppose to also meet up with my sister that I haven't seen in about 15 years. I hope you guys do have a great turnout and please take lots of pics for me!
No need to apologize, life happens. I think we will be doing the spring rod run next year, the fall run coinsides with the NSRA nationals north in Kalamazoo Mi
Saw Wayne in Nugget. He is at Cracker Barrel, we are at the Aquarium. Have seen 4 Mavericks and one Comet as we cruised the strip. Will try to get pics next time.