well, Im pretty happy with the way my car is running this year, the fiberglass leaf springs, and low gear trans were positive upgrades, and with running a 10.60 at 126mph, with a DA of around 1000 feet, I feel the car should run in the 40's when the air get good in October November, another addition were the goodyear 30x9 (actually they are 92.5 in circumference) radial slicks, with 60 ft times in the 1.44, I can only blame myself for round losses. I think one of my projects for the winter will be putting disc brakes on the front of the car, not that I have a problem stopping with drum brakes, but the 50lbs off the nose of the car will improve it. I see Aerospace and wilwood both make bolt on setup to stock spindles, has anyone used either one? they both look good and are pretty close in price. Duane
My car has Granada discs and pads on the front,Wilwoods out back.Previous owner said the car stopped very well,he was turning 10.30 in the qtr.The Granada pads are huge and the Wilwoods out back are kind of small.I believe you could save some money by going w/ the Granadas and be just fine.
Duane, I've got Aerospace on all four corners of mine. Their front end setup went on with no issues.............except my car had 69 spindles which have the smaller bearing races..........so I had to get a pair of 71 spindles...............but other than that they were a "piece of cake" and bolted on with no issues. The one thing I wish I would have done was gone with longer studs............I think I switched out the ones they had for shorter ones...........I hate the stud sticking out so far, but now that I will be going with Champion's aluminum wheel nuts I will need to go back to 3" studs in the front, the same as I have in the back.
When I put my rears on this past year, I helped a kid down the street put some Wilwood's on the front of his 66 Mustang..............I personally like the Aerospace hubs better than the Wilwood............quality wise.
I have to agree with the Wilwood quality being superior. I've seen and experieced delfection issues with their brackets and saw the bolts back out of caliper halves. On our first Pinks car in 10 low nine second passes we never cleaned the rust off the Aerospace rotors thank God we had a long shutdown. Wilwood on the other hand not one issue. Thier fordged Dynalight callipers are stronger and lighter then Aerospace ones. Go with the Wilwoods.
What kind of deflection issues have you seen and experienced?, where they with the front or rear brakes?, and on which car(s)? Very curious since I have them on the Maverick broth front and rear. Thanks, John
I've had experience with Aerospace, Wilwood, Lamb, Mark Williams, and Strange. Given the choice if I were building again, I'd use Lamb. 2nd choice would be Strange. I have and run aerospace on all 4 corners of mine. Originally had 9" Mustang 2 rotors on the front and S-10 rotors/brakes on the rear end. Removed, installed the Aerospace and the car lost about 100 lbs of weight (just the brakes...not counting the Aluminum 9" center section and Aluminum spool). The combination of rear end diet and the brakes netted a .18-.19 improvement in ET. Stopping power is nothing extravagent. I am using 2 piston calipers on front and 4 piston on the rear. If I did it again, I'd use 4 piston on front too. Quality wise, Aerospace is "OK"...however one issue I had was that the pistons eat away at the aluminum caliper housing over time and use. I don't know why. Just went to the races and after driving around the pits noticed that the right front caliper was dragging. Took it back home and disassembled, found the bore was pretty chewed up. Called Aerospace and they said "it happens". Mind you the set was about 2 years old and had about 200 passes down the strip (no street driving). I thought maybe I had them out of alignment but found nothing abnormal. Had to buy a new set of calipers at about $400 with shipping and everything (at that time). Haven't put many passes on them since-I haven't been to the track since June 2011. About ready to go back though. Starting to get the itch again. never heard of any issues with Lamb, Strange is about the same. I know some guys who run Strange and they love them. Not quite as pretty as Aerospace, but they seem to work just as good (or better) and to my knowledge, noone's had to really replace anything but pads. Wilwood ain't too shabby either. Aerospace isn't bad at all-I just had an issue with their response to my questions. They seemed like they had better things to do besides give me some constructive advice. That kind of service does make a person question the quality of the company and their products, though.
John the caliper halves where not stable and got a lot of piston knock back which caused a pulsation and eventually ruined the rotors. You could see where the halves where trying to separate and actually bent one bracket. They were on the front of my NMRA Pure Street car that ran low 11's. I switched to Wilwoods and never looked back. Most do not know but Wilwood does a lot of private label for companies like Strange and Lamb.
That is nice to know. I have installed both Wilwood and Aerospace and I would agree the quality of Wilwood is much better.
Thanks Dave, were you using the two piston or four piston? I'll keep an eye on mine............being an SCCA Licensed tech I always go over the car before it goes on the trailer...........the brakes and chute are always looked at before, during, and after racing............I guess it has been ingrained in my blood.
Great read guys!!!! Very informative. I don't have anything to add except I'm glad I went with Wilwood after reading this. :Handshake
I've had Aerospace, Wilwood and Strange. I like Strange best, Wilwood then Aerospace, but they all seemed to work and fit fine.