unless this is going to replace whatever you were driving to and from work I would wait until payday to do those things. those payday loans are expensive. my sister is just about living on those things because she has borrowed most of her pay check each month and by the time she pays it back she needs to borrow again. sounds like the ignition switch if the seller started the car by the cylinoid
good call, i called them out of curiosity and man they rob you so ill wait. so far the ignition, windshield, front seat belts, gas tank, i think thats it besides the back fees
freshly washed. all the rust spots i found so far bottom of passenger door bottom of driver door bottom of left rear fender
586 in fees, no just keep and tank started leaking while being towed. driver said it was bouncing around and tank dented
If you need parts for your car theirs a local salvage yard here in vallejo ca Called brians salvage and junk he has 3 maverick 2 70s amd a 74 they have all the parts you should need
when I get it up and running I'll bring the maverick to Vallejo, my friend Jon wants to check it out so maybe meet up or something @x72cometx