I went to NPD today to get a few parts and stopped over at corporate headquarters and spoke with Rick Schmidt about the January show, explaining I usually hear the first of Sept about it. He explained that with the state taking over the park Oct 1st that there had not been time to put it to bed and they were talking to the state today about the show. Plans are not 100%, but they hope to let ALL pre-registered Mustangs, and I presume other Fords, that are pre-1993, come in free, and a fee of $10 to all others. This a change from the previous setup, so, now, as soon as you hear, get your Maverick or Comet registered and down to Ocala the first part of January for the show. He said the reason for the change was the declining numbers of early cars because the new ones were eating up that first 1000 number so fast, and he wanted to give the cars that NPD sold parts to a better chance of attending. Hopefully, it will work. See you there. Jim
I would put bets on future shows will be at the pumpkin run.. I got a invite to that one from NPD.. Did you get invited Jim ?
Is that the white stuff you guys up north talk about getting in the Winter? I have been going to this show since 2002 and with the exception of 3 years ago, never seen snow here in Ocala. That year was cold and we had a thin skim of snow around. In fact, that was the only time we ever saw snow since I moved here in 1991. Usually the show is decent, weatherwise. Last year was shorts weather and perfect. This is Florida, and we have our best weather from Oct-April. In fact, I drove one of the convertibles to work yesterday and today. Yes, Ken, I got an invite, too but doubt I will be going since I will be off for the two weeks prior with my surgery and will be working, I'm sure. Jim
(Laugh) Understand it is in Ocala, FL. But may not be able to leave the garage due to adverse weather to make the drive down. I think it would be awesome, though!
This year is going to be a little different, As of Oct. 1st Silver Springs became a state park... I don't know if they kept any of the restaurants, and I bet they stopped selling beer... They are keeping the glass bottom boats... I also was told they are going to pull up the big back parking lot where all the trailer queens parked...
Howdy yall, I got a mailer for the pumpkin something or other but not silver springs..... Are they mailed already? I wanna go.
They have not mailed out any invites yet.. With the state taking over Oct. first , NPD has to be sure all is a go... Plus Jim says there wanting the first 1000 car to be our older cars, They said when the flier go's out early they get a bunch of new mustangs taking the free spots... As for the Ocala pumpkin run, that is a 3 day show with a swap meet and new parts venders... It's open to all makes of classic cars.. The invite you got from NPD is for people who bought things from them, they want us to park in there VIP area... It is a Great show with live music and things for the kids too...
I see the dates and registration link is up on NPD's site for Silver Springs Jan 11-12, 2014..... I just put mine in.....