Putting my motor back together and I got my new woodruff key and timing set, when I put it on it didn't fit snug over the key, only fills about half the area, this isn't correct is it? What do I need to fix it? I got exams all week so I'm not sure when I can get to the machine shop. Just seems if I put it like this ill end up spinning the crank gear for sure.
woodruff key I Noticed the Same Thing at Disassembly...You Are Refering to How Tall It Is/Isn't Right? Thats How They Are From The Factory and Thats How I Put Mine Together
Soo... your saying that the fit between the key and the slot in the gear for the key is sloppy??? If thats the case then yeah it would be bad the run it that way, it will affect the timeing by a few degrees and cause undue stress that will most likely pound out the key and cause it to fail.
I type slow...If the clearance is indeed between the top of the key and top of the slot in the gear...Thats fine. Side to side play would be bad but the gear isnt going to move up and down enough to cause a problem.
Ya it fits great side to side but the up and down space seems lagre. Only fills half the space.. Looks sketchy to me.
Nah...It will be fine, they allmost allways have a gap. I wouldnt worry about it unless you are running a crank driven power adder. Or plan to turn 7K alot.
I don't plan on hitting7k but when I'm going to the track will be 6500, so that's pretty close..putting a Jp billet double roller on it this go-round.
Sent Jp a message explaining the issue and I got this back Hi Eric The standard key will be fine. Regards Stan But now my cam broke I got othe issues I need to deal with.
Honestly when the gear drive let go and blew up/jammed up I think it put a lot of force onto the cam which weakened it to this point and it's better that it happened now rather when I put it all bak together and went to fire it. Trust me.. I hear about the issues.. As it is a ford and my dad drives a chevelle.
the cam is being driven so there would be no force when it stopped. maybe if the dist/oil pump locked up then there would be force...
There may not have been a rotational force on the camshaft when the gears failed, but there could have been a shear force on the camshaft snout when the gear mesh clearances had to pass the broken teeth through.