Also may have been something about the diameter of the center hole of the rotor off the 97 it thought I read ? but that may work for a pre 74. if that is where you got them and they do measure out wrong there was another 94 or 95 at the other end of the same row or one back in row 13 but I couldn't get the rotors to come off the axles but it may have been the e brake holding couldn't get it loose. sorry if I busted any bubbles but I did see the other 2 in there when I started this thread and others talked about this swapped I looked at replacement parts for availability and found that 91 to 95 where the same then 96 and up changed that's why I measured them when I started
I have a 71 mav rearend as well as a Granada rear they may work on. If not I will have to get the 91-95 ones.
I got the allen head bolts the other day and when I went to confirm the wrench size it was a 7mm allen wrench but it also looked like that wrench also fit the torq bit heads? probable will strip out when applying the torq to them.