I have manual disc brakes on the front of my mav with a line lock. The line lock wont hold the car when doing burnouts, its still rolls quite a bit. Any ideas how to improve the holding power. Otherwise the brakes seem to work "ok" for manual brakes. Thanks
Is your solenoid wearing out? They do not last forever. If it is rolling just a little, try to pump the brakes before activating the linelock so that you have hard pressure in all the lines.
Agreed...when I first installed my line lock I was having this problem and I have drum brakes. Before doing my burnout I shift into neutral and pump the pedal to get a nice hard pedal...then push the line lock button and back into gear. Worked for me.
I was pushing the brake once, hitting the button, then pushing the brake again per the instructions, but I will try it the way you guys are saying. Thanks
Pump brakes in neutral, hold firmly to the floor, press and hold button to activate line lock, and then let off the brake. Even if you are not pumping, you still stomp, engage switch, let off brake pedal.