Moving next Tuesday into a good sized house, but what really set the excitement was the garage size... I've been in a 10x18 foot garage for 3 years.. And now moving into a place with a three car garage and I'd say 40x60 with a 10x10 eextention for one of the doors. Looks like a great spot for a table or tool bbox's. Now the fun part is going to moving the car, have a buddy with a 18' trailer, but nervousabout the body xcart Imade wwon't be sturdy enough to move :/
Haha. We Don't have a lot of stuff so the garage should be empty. My truck will be outside and the wife's car I'm hoping will be stuffed into the one car Bay door. And the maverick will be in the double wide door. But more than likely the wife will kick me to the small door :/ wwe'll see. Anyone have any suggestions on a safe way to strap down the car? The rear-end is going to be the most diff icult due to the points of where the body cart was made makes the rear easy to tip.
Yeah I'm moving about 6 miles from where I live now. I am about 2-3 miles from the Idaho boarder. I'm gonna throw it on the trailer strap it down the best I can and hope my welds hold. Worse case is I'llgget a new maverick shell.