We are swapping in a Borg-Warner T5 from a 1989 Mustang into our 1971 Maverick and mounting it behind a rebuilt Ford 302 from a 1983 Mustang. From what I have read, there should be no problem matching the two, but I want to get a quick OK from you folks before I pull the trigger on the tranny tomorrow. Thanks.
The engine/trans will bolt up with no problem. The clutch linkage is another story. The t5 bellhousing is one inch deeper than the 3.03 bellhousing. I used an one inch spacer behind the fork and used factory linkage. Some people use a cable and some use hydraulic to operate the clutch. You will need the 5.0 block plate between the engine/trans...it's different than the 302 plate
I am purchasing the block plate and bell housing along with the tranny. Planning on converting to hydraulic clutch. Since the tranny is already bolted to a 302 motor (inside the wrecked 1989) shouldn't it work fine with a rebuilt 302 from an 83? Or am I missing something here?
Aii '82 up 302/5.0 have a 50 oz imbalance so you are in luck, everything works without issue when using the cable clutch... Where you get into trouble is mating late and early(pre '81) parts...
.. it should bolt up with no issues...im running a hydraulic setup on my clutch..ive got pics if u need..im not 100% about the 71 cars but the 70 models tranny tunnel needs to be opened up a bit so the rear of the tranny can go up to get ur driveline angles
Ok, the Tranny should match up fine with the engine and now I am wondering about the clutch pedal and hydraulic system. Assuming I find a set of Maverick pedals, are all master/slave hydraulics compatible or is there something specific I should be on the lookout for?