Hey guys im new here & im realy unfamiliar with sum of the old stuff especialy drum brakes...never messed with them b4.. i just had 1 turned which was a nightmare & was told 2 replace the races which id never dun...went 2 put in the new 1 & need a new drum
welcome races are easy to change. you have disc brakes in the front and drum in the rear right? there are no races for drum brakes only disc in order to change the race you turn your rotor face down on the ground and take a flat head screw driver and a hammer stick the screw driver threw the center hole at an angle to the side so your screw driver hits the race and give it a few whacks on each side it will pop out. you dont have to hit them super hard just a good firm thump. if they wont come out buy new rotors and races and you should replace your bearings while you have it apart since who knows when the last time they were changed unless you have replaced them already. good luck
Hey its drums the whole way around & it does have races...1 was loose & i was told 2 replace it i did but the drum is 2 worn out 2 hold the new 1..i was given the suggestion of tryin 2 hit the drum where the race sits 2 make it mushroom & then redrive it
I was realy hopin mayb sum1 might have a good suggestion of where 2 find drums 4 cheap? i didnt expect that new theyd b anywhere near 50 a piece front & 100 a piece 4 the rear...5 lug original all drum around brakes..bin slowly replacin wat i can
its been forever since Ive worked on drums but if its worn out replace it. youll be sorry if you go trying to do something to extend the life of it after its damaged or just plain worn out the drum isnt that much is it? if the drum is that much why dont you swap to disk in the front? you can get the set up cheap at the junk yard too bad you dont live close to me theres a maverick with disc brakes at the local picknpull right now
I bought my back drums for $50 at autozone. you have to play with the year and model of the car just bring your stock drum in to match it up. I went and asked for drums for a 72 comet and they said nothing listed then I went to like 65 mustang and there you go they had something listed you just have match your old drum if they say they dont have it
Man that would b cool but ya ive looked in2 the conversion kits & theyre way outta my price range right now...ive bin tryin 2 find another parts car or anythin but they seem more rare around here. thank u all 4 bein so helpfull already & the quik responces
You could post a want ad here on the forum in the parts wanted section. Many have converted to discs and may have what you need laying around...Good luck!!!
first welcome if I understand what has been said so far it is actually only the front hub that you need and not the whole drum the wheel studs will press out and the drum will come off the hub. this part may not be at the parts store this may be a junk yard only but one from another model of car ( falcon, torino, ect ) may fit. but if you have to get the hub that way it may be easier to get it all as a unit
Thank u all again great suggestions & ya i just realized while inspecting the hubs again that they would seperate...ill c wat i can find but any1 near by or who has parts..id luv 2 hear from u..thanx again guys