ok.. I'm back with many pic's for you guys. Although I'm no Maverick "build quality" expert by any means.. there are a few flaws that caught my eye and make things a bit murky as to the real originality IMO. In order of oddity and suspectfulness. 1. Rust on the rockers which seems to be in excess compared to the rest of the cars flaws and weather levels. 2. Silicone around the window trim on front and rear. 3. What seems to be tape/dusty overspray lines on right front fender. Didn't see the same line on the left side but IMO this brings to question the originality of the entire paint job due to the gloss/color consistency compared to the rest of the panels. 4. Fresher appearance of the undercoating in some areas compared to the rest of the cars undercoat weathering/rust bleed through. Notice the new muffler too. 5. Odometer out of line. Now this one seems to be open for different interpretations since many original cars that I and others have owned have not been straight across leading up to and after the numbers change. Call it how you want and the pic is here for you to judge. 6. Appearance of "possible plastic filler" and sanding scratches on left rear c-pillar. Can't see in the pic but trust me(through the years, I'm a pro painter of all things paintable).. they're there nonetheless. Also noticed some VERY minor paint layout divots, similar to fish-eyes but the paint lays over completely, just in thinner mil thickness compared to surrounding. All of these little clues leads me to believe that the paint is not original on this car. Due to the minor nicks/rock chip touchups(especially around the top edge of the chrome door edge guards) that have slightly yellowed over time.. I'm guessing that the paint job is well over 20 years old by now. It's also been buffed out several times since it's far smoother than any factory job I've come across for cars in these era's. Is a single stage acrylic if I had to guess.
Those tires are the real deal. I doubt you could even get a replacement 6.45-14 belted since the late 70s. Those tires really weren't good for much more than 20K miles back in the day, either. Pretty amazing car overall.
I'm guessing the mileage to be fairly accurate, whether the odo numbers are straight doesn't mean much(I can pull one apart and reassemble it with any mileage you want and they'll be straight)... With orig tire condition it's likely correct, those old bias ply tires of the '70s were doing good to last 15K mi.. Apparently it was driven in the winter & not garaged(at least it's entire life), possibly lived under a car port...
Yep.. same thing I thought too. The tires appear to be original to the car. And if you imagine that the car was built in the spring of '71 and there was still salt on the roads from the prior winter in Michigan.. the slight rocker and moderate exhaust rust makes perfect sense. Sitting for prolonged periods with dead batteries does them no good either. Overall.. I believe the car may be the real deal, although exterior paint has been doctored in a few area's at the very least, IMO. Also IMO, the car is a grand or two overpriced. But again, I'm no Maverick expert, and these things are always worth what someone's willing to pay in the end.. not what we think they're worth to us.
Did you happen to get the VIN? I saw a panel date stamp of March 31, so it's a later 71 model year car. The sticker on the passenger side fender is actually under the front edge of my hood on my 71. Thanks for going to see this and sharing the pictures here on the forum!
Hi Paul. Look at the link to the entire album at the end my second picture post and you'll find everything you could possibly need there.. In hindsight.. I should have just uploaded a slideshow for you guys since it would have been about the same amount of time as what I ended up doing. Kinda silly not to use the thousands worth of software I have sitting around taking up disc space. lol And no prob.. many helpful chaps around this joint and just trying to do my small part to add to the great atmosphere around here. EDIT: here's the link once more. http://imageshack.us/g/1/10397017/
I’m not an expert but whether it’s a 6014 mi or not (maybe it’s the North East climate thing) but I’m know where near asking price on this one. There’s a lot to like but my gut is throwing up a red flag. Seeing it in person could change that?? Very cool you went to all the trouble to post for the rest of us! Thank you sir!
to caulk up the windshield trim could mean...cowl leaking... more like a $1,090 car... $10,900 and needs... all new rubber seals, tires, wheel cyls, master cyl, battery, valve seals, carb rebuilt, complete tune up parts, rust repair, paint, ets, ets...
It's been painted. I find it interesting that all the fender bolts are body color, and the hood hinges are painted...St. Thomas cars had the fenders painted off the car, then bolted on later in assembly. Looks like that car had a Detroit DSO...maybe a company car? Great pictures, BTW!!! Thanks
Cool...I've never seen one with the Canadian Maple Leaf sticker. I'm assuming this was put on at the St. Thomas Plant. Thanks for posting all these pics
It's a compliance sticker, Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Standards Usually, from what I've seen, they were meant for Canadian bound cars, but sometimes they got sticker happy.
Thanks for the pics. Saved me a trip up there. Low mileage maybe. 11K? Not even close. Nice car though.
Yeah, I couldn't understand what everyone was so "ga-ga" about. It's a clean car, but so are many others that I've seen.
I gotta agree with Frank, nice for a display piece, but to be road worthy it needs a lot. Would be a nice start for a build like Franktf is doing, but not at the asking price.....